Sunday, September 22, 2013

Words of Wisdom

-When one realizes that one is a character in someone else's dream, that is self awareness.

-Remembering is so much more psychotic than forgetting.

-Life is not a dream, beware.

-His last words were, please sweep me up.

-Time is a continuous distraction to make us forget that God exists. Time is a constant saying no to Gods invitation to heaven. Life is the moving from the "NO" to the "YES". There is no time, not really, there is only the moment, right now.

-A factor often overlooked or discarded is that to learn or grow to one's fullest potential one must begin when one is empty. Only then can your fullest potential be accessible. 

- A cat does not try to be a cat, and a bird not a bird. Men whose goal is to be what they are not will always be unhappy. Men who are practiced in simply "being themselves" are available to more than the can ever know, and when they greet the unknown, their ally will be joy. 

-Sometimes non-action is the best action of all.

-When a man stops struggling to be more than a man, he becomes more than a man.


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