How to start? How to begin a new blog? We are taught from day one by our society and
our families that there is a
beginning. A universe that has both a beginning and an end. That is our syntax.
A different Syntax would be to say, there is no beginning. The universe always was, and will forever be. Forever changing
and always evolving into something greater, something new. We are always
evolving always changing into something new, for we are of the universe. No matter
which syntax is your world view, we can agree that we both have a world view
and that we are forever changing.
As we observe this ever evolving,
ever changing world about us, we constantly speak to ourselves in our minds. We
remind ourselves what our perceived rules are. What is in the realm of
possibility and simply put, what is not. This consistent, never ceasing internal dialogue continues on. This internal
dialogue presents itself as layers upon layers of statements, comments,
questions, reflections, feelings, fears and so on. What is the purpose of all
this chatter? The reason is this, the internal dialogue acts as a shield of
protection for us. It keeps us solid in this ever changing ever evolving universe.
At the same time, this internal dialogue prevents us from experiencing, what I call,
non-ordinary reality. By constantly speaking to ourselves and reinforcing
our conditioned beliefs, we eliminate the dangers often associated with a more
fluid perception. However, if we can engage our WILL, we can change the way we think, about the world and the rules that govern it, then the rules themselves will change. By modifying our internal dialogue, controlling how and what we think, we gain influence over the manifestations all around us.We can reclaim our power and influence.
Whenever someone wants to, say,
become closer to God, or begin a new study of any spiritual nature, the first
step usually has something to do with meditation. Meditation meaning a series
of steps one adopts to help facilitate the quieting of the mind. To relax with
a few cleansing breaths. To think about something beautiful in order to help find
inner peace. There are so many ways to begin, use whatever works for you. The point
is, through this universal method, you quiet your internal dialogue. Many spiritual
cultures consider it paramount to achieving any chance at freedom for oneself
at all. By slowly acknowledging each thought as it comes to you, without any
feeling or judgment, gingerly greet then release each thought as it comes. You should
be able to notice at this point, the space between the thoughts. It is in that
place, in the silence which exists between those thoughts, where peace exists. Peace
in its purest form. It is there where you can eavesdrop on the cosmic consciousness.
It is from the silence where creation begins as well as the secrets of the
great mystery of the universe itself.
This act of becoming quiet, by
silencing the internal dialogue, is called Stopping
the World. At that point you are able to connect yourself to pure potentiality. While in a state of
pure potentiality, all possibilities become open to you. All you must do at
that point is choose your intent. Intent
is something I will discuss further in my next blog. At that point I can begin to show that there are core truths which exist it all factions of spirituality. From Buddhism to Catholicism, from Wicca to Taoism, Hinduism to Islam. Truth is no longer relative, it is eternal.